What you should absolutely know before hiring a therapist (with Theo Selles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oqnaKaVrvM
In Office Services: Theo has offices in Port Perry and Hamilton. Services provided include couple and family counselling as well as individual counselling for issues such as anxiety, stress, bereavement, depression, abuse, addictions, and anger management. He works equally well with children as with adults and he has specialized training in Sex Therapy. He is LBGT informed and friendly. $100.00 per hour.
In Your Home: Where else are you going to get this type of personal service? For your convenience, Theo will come to you and provide any of the “In Office Services” in your home. He will provide a complete assessment, counselling, and create a specific step by step program for you to follow to help you resolve your personal and relationship problems. $200 per 2 hour session plus travel expenses.
Telephone, Video or Email: If you prefer talking on the phone, Theo has extensive experience offering telephone counselling. And don’t overlook therapeutic writing as an alternative. Exchanging email letters often allows for more reflection about what you and Theo are “saying” and it creates an instant journal for you to review and use to remind yourself of your progress and what you need to keep focusing on. $100 per call or email.
(Initial calls and emails are free).
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s): A veteran EAP provider, Theo can evaluate your existing EAP program, help you choose your EAP provider, or set up a personal EAP program for you directly with Integrity Works. Read Theo’s article “The Truth about Employee Assistance Programs” for a revealing behind the scenes look at what you’ve never been told about the ins and outs of EAP services and what questions you should be sure to ask when considering purchasing an EAP.